I've been spending time in California for the past couple of weeks with my family. It has been so good for my heart. I have loved spending time with my sisters and parents. Now that I'm an adult, I appreciate my family in such a new and special way. I see my parents as beautiful, incredible individuals and my sisters as such special and precious souls. I think I've started to see them like I've started to see myself, both as individuals and also as an integral part of a very special family unit.
My family has always been close, but this year, there seems to be a renewed sense of closeness. I've noticed that with the passing of my uncles, hugs have gotten tighter, conversations have become more intentional, and any shared moment has been cause for celebration.
This week, my family would have been gearing up to celebrate Uncle Tony's 60th birthday. It would have been the biggest, most joyous party filled with the best food imaginable. Instead, this Saturday we will visit his grave. My father will share a cigar and some red wine with his tombstone and we will celebrate a truly beautiful life that was taken way too soon.
I know that everyone always says that you need to never leave your family or loved ones without declaring your love or being upset, but it's true. You never know the last moment you'll share with someone. Hug your loved ones tightly and shower them with affection.