January 16, 2014

what's the word?

I've seen a couple posts floating around about people picking words to be a theme for their year. I was particularly inspired by this post by Erin. I began to think what sort of word or phrase I would want, but kept coming back to other ones that I had already seen people choose for themselves. I didn't want to be a copycat (that's still a term I use regularly) so I kept thinking, trying to find something that I felt like I was being called to.

I wanted a pretty word, something exciting, something that actually could capture what I wanted for 2014. I wanted something that would be pretty to blog about, something that would seem glamorous. I'm so flawed, my friends. I wanted to impress you, and that what was shaping my word search. 

The word that was pressed upon my heart after genuine thought and prayer was not a word that I had considered, but the more I think about it, it is exactly what the Lord is calling me to and what needs to shape my 2014:


Oh my. I am such a silly creature. I wanted something impressive and pretty but what God gave me was the opposite of what my heart wanted, yet somehow exactly what I need. I need (and what I know my soul craves) is obedience... obedience to my Creator. 

Pastor Chris Brown says, "Obedience is the highest form of worship" and I agree with him wholeheartedly. When I am being obedient to what God is calling me to do, that is when I am worshipping Him most and honoring Him. When I decide to do what I want, regardless of the consequences, I am disobeying. Luckily, my God has an infinite supply of grace. Thank goodness because if there were any sort of cap on grace for the world, it would be all used on me because I am so flawed. 

This year I am going to be obedient, to go where God calls me, and do what I know He is asking of me. I know that I will fail many times, but hopefully I get there in the end. 

Did you pick a word or theme for the year?


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