June 27, 2012

Very Fire!

A precious little second grader ran into my office yesterday shouting "Very fire teacher, very very fire!" At first I thought that there was a fire, I mean, that's a pretty logical thought, right? I wasn't that worried, but decided to peek out of my office and just make sure that I wasn't about to be engulfed by flames. Luckily there was no fire, but then the same kid came in a few minutes later and said the same thing. 
He came into my office again this morning to tell me, once again, that it was "very, very fire." I understand now that he is trying to tell me how it is very hot outside. Well, homeboy is right. It is very, very fire outside. I am not a hot weather girl. I'm more of a "stay between 50 and 80" at all times type of girl. Korea has definitely pushed me outside of those boundaries with heat upwards of a hundred degrees and temperatures falling too far below zero for my liking. 
Since today is "very fire" (90+ degrees. I die.) and I'd rather be inside next to the air conditioner than anywhere else, I thought I'd share some recent Instagram pictures. Gotta love a good Insta, right? 

I've been absolutely lovin' my journal time lately. Nothing better than
iced coffee, some blank pages, and colored pens. 
I am officially addicted to painting my nails.
I came to Korea with three colors... I am leaving with way more. 
Despite the look of death on her face, this little love
is quite the sweety. Coulda fooled ya. 
Enjoying moments with two legged and four legged friends
before we say "See ya later."
Did a chocolate face mask and wondered if it would be safe
to eat. Didn't try it. Resisted. Barely
My latte made me "bear-y" happy the other day.



  1. Can I just say every time I hop over to your blog, I love the design EVEN MORE!
    It's a keeper.

    & it was reading 123 degrees in my car yesterday-- I hate AZ heat! THAT'S VERY VERY FIRE!

  2. Hahaha "very, very fire". That's hilarious!

    And I never would've guessed that Korea gets that hot. OR that cold!

    That little girl's death stare...bahahah! So funny!


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