August 22, 2012

Busy Beaver

I am currently laying in a new bed, in a new (old) state, taking a quick breather before heading to the closing dinner for the leadership retreat I've been a part of the past couple days.
These past twenty six days have been absolutely insane. I flew home from Korea, traveled up through California, and then made the drive to Idaho where I will be laying my head for a while. While things have been hectic and rushed, I have loved it. I was able to see some great friends while I was home and then I got to head up north with my sister. 

We were joined a couple days later by two more of my sisters and my mom. I was able to see my Grandma Gemma, or Mamajama as I like to call her. I met my sweet cousin Levi who is the snuggliest of all snuggle bugs. 

After a few days in Sacramento, my mom, the twins, and I went a little further north to visit some family friends that I haven't seen in years. It was so much fun to catch up, share some Korea stories, and just laugh together. 

Then, the long, long, long drive to Idaho began. It wasn't actually that bad since we had broken it up into two days, but we were still looking at about ten hours in the car. Oh, did I mention I drove all of it? My mom and I each took a car (I have a lot of stuff- don't judge!) so that meant that I had to drive the entire time. I got a serious case of drivers elbow, drivers right butt cheek, and drivers knee. I don't know if you are familiar with any of these, but they will get ya! 

Oh Idaho. You welcomed me right back in with open arms- but you didn't let me rest! I spent three days renovating my new house with the help of so many wonderful people. I want to share pictures but there are many people to thank and stories to tell so it deserves it's own post. 

The last couple days were spent in beautiful Cascade, Idaho attending a leadership retreat with the staff and student leaders at the university I'm working for. It was a great time of encouragement, challenges, and ideas for the coming year. I am so excited for what I get to do and how I get to play a role in this school year. 



  1. Wow!! Life has been crazy busy for you! But so full of happy times! Can't wait to see pictures of your home in Idaho!

  2. Sounds like it's been one crazy & adventurous month for you. I've always wanted to visit Idaho, I hear it's really pretty.

    And I'm totally feeling you on the drivers elbow, knee & but cheek. I get those all the time when we drive up to NorCal to visit my husbands family. A 9hr drive is a little too much for me, even if they are family haha.


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